Gospel Blog

Encouragement for Every Day

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What’s New

How can we help our kids grow and succeed?

As parents, we are accustomed to attending parent teacher conferences and receiving feedback about our children’s performances in school. We converse about each child’s strengths, weaknesses, and possible next steps for growth in these time-measured appointments....

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A Barren Woman Who Prayed

This is the fourth article in the series, Praying Women in the Scriptures. So far, the following women who prayed either explicitly or implicitly have been discussed: Mothers of stripling warriors Anna the prophetess The woman with the issue of blood Another...

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Are you in it for the long haul?

IN IT FOR THE LONG HAUL (def): Dedicated to doing something for a long period of time. This phrase usually describes one's commitment to someone or something. As Jesus speaks to an audience of people who are contemplating whether or not to become His disciples, He...

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For Us to Be Here

"Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good FOR US to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias." (Matthew 17:4) The above was said by Peter on the occasion of Jesus taking Peter,...

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Your Story for God’s Glory

Share Your Testimony on Miracle Monday

We devote Miracle Monday to sharing — you guessed it! — miracle stories. From finding a lost wedding ring to healing cancer on the spot, Jesus Christ has done it all, big and small.

And we want to hear about what He’s done for you.

Whether your story happened yesterday or 50 years ago, God did it, and so we love it. Worried about your grammar? We’ll clean it up, no problem. Don’t hesitate to give praise.

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The Gospel Blog Is Open for Submissions
We encourage devotional-style or scripture-based articles in the ballpark of 500 words. We are open to any topic that glorifies God and unites the Church.

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