Praying for Ouchies

by | Nov 20, 2023 | Healings | 0 comments

Dear Parents of Toddlers,

Isn’t it amazing how Band-Aids and ice packs (or “boo-boo bunnies” as we call ours) are magical to our kids? 

Scrape a knee? Let’s put a Band-Aid on it, and it’ll be all better.

Bump your head? Let’s get the boo-boo bunny to make it feel better.

These things—and snuggles—always seem to do the trick.

From an early age, I have offered to pray with my kids over their ouchies, as well as doing the above. They always say yes. My prayer is short, just thanking God for protecting them and asking that God take away their pain so that they won’t remember they even have a boo-boo by the next day. 

Without a doubt, the next morning after any incident, my girls are always amazed that they don’t have a boo-boo anymore. My head doesn’t hurt anymore. My knee isn’t bleeding. My toe is feeling better.

It’s such a small thing and it seems a little silly asking our Almighty God to take away the pain from this tiny scratch that I can’t even see on their thumb, but I believe it’s setting them up for the big things that will come. And God ALWAYS comes through for them. 

My hope is that they always will continue to ask God to take away their ouchies, knowing that He has done it in the past and will continue to do so, regardless of what it is.

As I’ve said in past blog posts, I feel inadequate and overwhelmed about teaching them about God and Our Church. But I find that teaching them to have faith and trust in our wonderful Lord through these simple prayers is easy. 

So, if any of you are struggling feeling this way with your kids, perhaps incorporate some small prayers with their ouchies, too.

Praying for all of your ouchies (big and small),

Sister Stefanie

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Stefanie Callens

    Sister Stefanie lives in beautiful Colorado, where winter is not as bad as everyone thinks, with husband Chris, two beautiful daughters, and Jersey the dog.

    View all posts Personal trainer and nutrition coach. Anything active outdoors, board games, reading, crocheting, laughing. Philippians 4:13.


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Further Reading

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