Dear Parents of Toddlers, Isn’t it amazing how Band-Aids and ice packs (or "boo-boo bunnies" as we call ours) are magical to our kids? Scrape a... Dear Parents of Toddlers, Isn’t it amazing how Band-Aids and ice packs (or "boo-boo bunnies" as we call ours) are magical to our kids? Scrape a...
Dear Parent, Isn’t it the coolest thing to witness your child experiencing the world and things for the first time? As an infant, watching them discover their hand is...
Dear Busy Parent, Keeping the kids alive, shuttling them to and from their various activities and schools and daycares, working in order to afford said activities and to survive,...
Do you remember what it was like to get ready for school each day? We take our clothes out the night before, get our lunches ready, do our homework, and study for tests. Sure,...
Recently, I was up all night with an upset stomach due to something I ate. I got to thinking about how, for most of us, when we're feeling fine—free from stomach pain, body...
Throughout our lives, so many of us have questioned ourselves. Are we pretty/handsome enough? Are we cool enough? Are we smart enough? Are we skilled...
Today's lost-and-found Miracle Monday is a story by Sister Stefanie Callens about something she thought was lost forever but was actually safe in God's hands. I have a...
Here's the next installment of "Melodies with Meaning," where our columnists tell you about some of their favorite spiritual songs. Today, we're hearing from Sister Stefanie....
Value: Congruence Definition: Doing the things we say we should/will do. Making our actions prove out our claims: our yeas, yeas and our nays, nays. Vital...
Today's article is another installment in our series of childhood church memories. Today, Sister Stefanie Callens remembers feeling the Spirit of God for the first time. God...