Dear Busy Parent,

Keeping the kids alive, shuttling them to and from their various activities and schools and daycares, working in order to afford said activities and to survive, taking care of meals and making sure the house is clean and the yard is tidy…there aren’t enough hours in the day. Add to that the things we are supposed to be doing in order to take care of ourselves, such as exercising, drinking a gallon of water a day, stretching, self care, blah blah. 

Whew—just listing these items is exhausting. 

Where are we supposed to find the time to read and study scripture? Or attend (virtually or in person) services outside of Sunday?

Thankfully my kids are still too small to need to be shuttled to tons of activities yet but as a business owner and mom, I’ll tell you that time is super-limited for me. A lot of days, unless I wake up at 4 a.m. or go to sleep really late (just to wake up super-early), I only get to “choose” one thing for me—and that might be as essential as showering. It really is a struggle. I feel like some weeks, it’s easier for me to make time to do the things of God than other weeks.

Now, I know the saying “the days are long but the years are short” is definitely true, so I know that one day I am suddenly going to have all this “free” time to do more for the Lord as well as things that I enjoy, but for now, I am going to try my best. 

Since attending Wednesday night meetings is not possible, I’m going to listen to recorded ones while walking my dog. Or listen to a CD of the Songs of Zion while driving to work (yes I have a car old enough that it still has a CD player in it). Or pray with my kids and teach them my favorite Vacation Bible School songs.

I believe God knows our hearts and intentions. And like the saying “it’s the thought that counts,” He will continue to bless us for what we can do.

Know that you’re not alone in this.


Sister Stefanie

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Stefanie Callens

    Sister Stefanie lives in beautiful Colorado, where winter is not as bad as everyone thinks, with husband Chris, two beautiful daughters, and Jersey the dog.

    View all posts Personal trainer and nutrition coach. Anything active outdoors, board games, reading, crocheting, laughing. Philippians 4:13.


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Further Reading

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