A few years ago, a sister in the church had sent me some dreams and experiences to read. I was so eager to dig in because these are my favorite things to read! The sister reminded me about praying beforehand, so that the Lord would confirm and even reveal things to me. I got all comfy on the couch. My husband was working the night shift that night and wasn’t home, and the kids were in bed, and I said a little prayer before reading.

I read these experiences and was absolutely blown away. The next thing I knew, I had fallen asleep. All I remember is literally reading these experiences, being left in awe, and then waking up from a powerful dream.

In my dream, I saw myself, exactly as things were. I was on the couch by myself. The kids were sleeping, and my husband was at work. I could hear people shouting, and they sounded like they were in complete distress. 

I got up to see what I was hearing, and it reminded me of people talking on walkie talkies, except I could hear everything. I could hear all these things going on, and I heard a man, close to tears, calling in for help. I knew this to be a police officer. The calls all sounded chaotic, and it was hard to listen to them because of the turmoil I could hear.

As I walked over to the main window in our living room, I looked outside. We have a big hill across the way that’s so beautiful—it looks like a little mountain. There was an orange “glow” in the center of the hill, and it reminded me of all the fires that were recently happening. 

As I looked to the right of the window, as far as I could strain to see, I saw this black darkness filling the sky. It reminded me of when someone takes a glob of paint on a paintbrush, tosses it on a canvas, and the paint slowly drips down. Except, in my dream, the black darkness was moving horizontally across the sky. It was moving slowly, but it was moving, and out loud I said, “It’s here.” 

I then woke up.

It was so powerful! So vivid! I immediately messaged the sister who shared the experiences with me. I told her how I prayed, read everything, was in awe, literally fell asleep and woke up to having this dream! I really felt like the Lord was confirming everything to me. I knew He was showing me that we are in a different time.

There is so much going on in our world today. We are watching scripture unfold before our very eyes. 

We must be alert. We need to stay close to God and read His Word daily. I just reminded my kids the other day about wearing the Armor of God. If we don’t stay on top of things, the evil one will take that opportunity to sneak in. He is working overtime right now because he knows his time is short.

God tells us that we can see the sky changing and interpret what that means, and yet, many of us can look around and not see the time we are living in. 

We need to stay prayerful. I believe “IT” is here, whatever that may mean…more evil, more scripture unfolding, a different time…and, I believe it’s time to pray more, read more, and seek Him more.

“And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” (Matthew 16:3)

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Colleen Moore

    Sister Colleen Moore lives in the beautiful Ohio countryside with husband Jake and three children.

    View all posts Wife, mother, and homeschool mama. Selling makeup, reading, cooking and fitness. Psalm 91.


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Further Reading


I recently read a little devotional on effectual praying, and it really touched my heart. The message is too good not to share it with you. It turned the word “PRAY” into an acrostic. P: Praise His name, give Him all glory! Thank Him for everything He has...

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Touching With Faith

We all have our favorite stories in scripture. While I love all of them, there are two that are my personal top faves. They are the man on the cross that Jesus saved, and the woman that touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. I think about this woman’s story, even...

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