This last venture into the “For Us” portion of the word of God takes us to Romans 8, where the two-word combination is used four times within a ten-verse span of scripture. ...
Articles by churchadmin
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Tree Story
By Brother Frank Natoli Many years ago, my wife and I bought our first home, a wonderful little 1940s house with lots of charm. After asking the Lord to direct us, we purchased...
Universal Remote
By Brother Andrew DiNardo Who hasn’t uttered, “Can it just be Friday already?” Who doesn’t love the weekend? No work. Time with family and friends. Sporting events. Church....
Today's Miracle Monday is a short-but-sweet testimony from Brother Michael Zaino. This is our last protection-related Miracle Monday. Remember, next month we're focusing on...
Beauty in All Things
By Sister Colleen Moore There goes my 6-year-old daughter, Audrey, again. Outside, with her butterfly net, on a mission to catch her favorite thing — bugs! “Look, mom! I caught...
Explosive Experience
The following experience is from the pages of the Detroit Branch #1 history. Special thanks to Sister Rosanne Champine for sharing it with us. The experience was had by her...
Gideon Moment
By Brother Andrew DiNardo I recently had a Gideon moment. If you don’t recall the story, Gideon asked for a specific sign before he agreed to do what the Lord asked. Gideon asked...
Church Values 10: Duty
By Brother Jonathan Scolaro Value: Duty Definition: Carrying out assignments; supporting the body; fulfilling tasks, particularly when challenged by lack of understanding or...
Church Value 1: Faith
This is the first in a series of 13 articles about the values that the church has identified. Read yesterday's blog post by Brother John DiBattista to learn why having values is...