
by | Sep 30, 2013 | Miracles | 0 comments

MP900387550Today’s Miracle Monday is a short-but-sweet testimony from Brother Michael Zaino. This is our last protection-related Miracle Monday. Remember, next month we’re focusing on experiences related to giving our testimonies. Whether in church, at work, school, or anywhere else, if God has given you something special related to sharing the Gospel, then please email your story to

In August 2001, I had just left Quick Check on my bike when I remembered I left a pack of gum at the store. So I turned around on my bike and went back to get it. A taxi driver ran a stop sign, and the bumper of his car hit my back while I was riding the bike. I flipped in the air and landed in the street. There were no cars coming down the road, thank God for that! I went to the emergency room for testing on my head and back. Everything came back negative! Praise God! A few weeks later, my brother Marc told me He had a dream. He said he saw my accident in a dream and that in the dream I died. I think that was God showing me that He truly did spare my life.



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Further Reading

For Us—Multiplied by Four Us

This last venture into the “For Us” portion of the word of God takes us to Romans 8, where the two-word combination is used four times within a ten-verse span of scripture.  It seems when God wants to bring something to our attention, He repeats it. In our own...

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Nothing to Fear

In 2011, I discovered — and my doctor confirmed — a large tumor in my body. I was facing further tests, which caused me great concern. On a Sunday morning, I went before the ministry of the branch to be anointed. That day, a sister shared the following vision:...

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