Restored in Truth. Guided in Spirit.

At The Church of Jesus Christ, we believe in the simple, beautiful truth of The Restored Gospel—the Gospel infused with the same love on which Christ built His church. We want you to be part of that.

A global community that still feels one-on-one.

And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

Hymns of Hope and Joy

Listen to the beauty of The Songs of Zion, hymns that carry the hope of latter-day promises.

Zion's Borderline

by Eugene F. Amormino

Sing Hallelujah

by Eugene F. Amormino

The Latter-Day Theme

by Eugene F. Amormino

The Gospel Blog

Every day, we share scripture, experiences, and testimonies to give you a spiritual boost. Read them here!

For Us—Multiplied by Four Us

This last venture into the “For Us” portion of the word of God takes us to Romans 8, where the two-word combination is used four times within a ten-verse span…

Praying for the Prodigal

Jesus continues to address the Pharisees who have been critical of Him spending time with sinful people. He has already shared two parables with them that liken sinners to a…