Sister Natalie Shawver

Articles by Sister Natalie Shawver



I'm a fan of the slow life—making a cup of tea each morning, taking a walk, reading a book. These things bring me joy and contentment. I'm a simple gal. Empty calendars make me...

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Right the First Time

Right the First Time

I come from pretty particular stock. My dad uses the phrase, “measure twice, cut once” frequently. And my mom is a detailed person herself. When I worked with a group of eyewear...

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He Sees You

He Sees You

Sometimes I wonder what we must look like to the Lord going about our day-to-day life. Does He care when I’m making a run to Target? Is He interested in my Starbucks order? What...

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Milestone Thoughts

Milestone Thoughts

On August 4, I was blessed to celebrate 20 years as a baptized member of The Church of Jesus Christ.  That’s 7,300 days that I’ve had the opportunity to serve the Lord to...

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Here’s Your Pep Talk

Here’s Your Pep Talk

Hi loyal Gospel Blog reader (or listener), Today I’m sending a bit of hope your way because things lately have felt heavy.  The pandemic rages on, shootings occur at various...

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Sitting in God’s Hands

Sitting in God’s Hands

Dear Brothers, Sisters and fellow blog readers,  Do you ever struggle with anxiety, big or small?  I do.  I think about things I probably shouldn’t. Big things (to...

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Small Changes, Big Impact

Small Changes, Big Impact

Have you ever heard of the 1 Percent Rule?  Essentially, the gist is that over time, if you adjust something by just 1 percent, you’ll see a significant change. Now, you...

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Just a Little Talk

Just a Little Talk

It may be summer now, but a few months ago we had an ice storm in Cincinnati. Schools were closed and I found myself at home with our four-year-old for the day (or, should I say...

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