Right the First Time

by | Apr 11, 2023 | Serving God | 0 comments

I come from pretty particular stock. My dad uses the phrase, “measure twice, cut once” frequently. And my mom is a detailed person herself.

When I worked with a group of eyewear technicians at a former company, they had a similar mantra of “right the first time” for everything they did. Before they moved forward with the project, it was imperative that all aspects were as they should be so nothing had to be redone. 

This overarching sentiment of paying attention to what you are doing continues to weave its way into my recent life, and probably for good reason. Now it’s my turn to instill this notion into my son’s life as well.

And thankfully, I’m not the only one doing so. Case in point:

A few weeks ago, our 5-year-old, Graham, tested for his yellow belt at Taekwondo. This was a big deal for him (and for my husband and me as his parents). He demonstrated the skills he had learned as a white belt and proved he was ready for the next level of responsibility. 

After completing his requirements for the Taekwondo master (the instructor), he and the others were asked a few questions based on previously submitted responses from their parents.

A theme began to emerge: children of all ages were asked about trying new foods, cleaning their rooms, and respecting their parents. Did they do this? Some nodded yes; others hung their heads and admitted they did not. And then the master patiently replied:

“Each of you has the ability to earn ‘first place’ at home. You do that by listening the first time. Don’t wait until the second or third time—listen the first time and you’ll earn first place.”

Those words stuck with me. Not simply because I’d like to remind our son about that lesson, but because I want to use it in my own spiritual life. 

How often does the Lord tell me something that I brush off? Am I too busy to listen to Him? Do I make Him repeat Himself frequently? 

And what decisions should I be making “right the first time”? I made a commitment to love and serve Him to the best of my ability—that wasn’t a quick one because I knew how important it was. I had to “measure twice, cut once” so to speak. I needed to ensure that I was serious and not flippant about the promise I was making—and I wanted it to be right the first time.

Christ was perfect in all that He did. Every act He performed was right the first time. There were no do-overs for Him. He was the perfect example when He walked the earth—and still is as He sits on His throne.

Is He asking us to be perfect? I don’t think so. It’s impossible anyway. We’re human. But is He asking for us to consider our actions and thoughts and think before we speak? Or love before we act? Does He want us to pay attention to His teachings and His ways? That I do think so. He wants us to “measure twice, cut once.”

Let’s strive for that mindset—to earn first prize in His eyes and be more detailed in our service to the Lord. Let’s get it right the first time as best we can … knowing that if we don’t, He’ll still be there to love us anyway

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalms 19:14)

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Natalie Shawver

    Sister Natalie is a proud Cincinnati girl who is never without a good book, cup of tea or husband Brother Justin, and favorite sidekick son Graham.

    View all posts Writer and word nerd extraordinaire. The smell of fall, fresh figs, tickling the ivories, and her cat. 2 Corinthians 4:17.


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Further Reading

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