The Thief and the Sword

by | Oct 28, 2022 | Do Not Fear | 0 comments

The following experience had by the late Sister Marietta Ruzzi is from the pages of the Detroit Branch 1 history.

Scripture says that angels administer unto those possessing a “strong faith and a firm mind in every form of godliness” (Moroni 7:30). It was through this miraculous intervention that the Lord worked one day with Sister Marietta Ruzzi. 

Early one morning, after her children had gone to school, and being alone in the house, a strange man appeared at her door demanding all the money and jewels she had. 

Having very little wealth at all, the thief, who had entered the home, placed his revolver on the nape of Sister Marietta’s neck, threatening to kill her. 

Suddenly, horror filled the man’s eyes! 

The thief recanted his actions and began to walk back to the entrance, exclaiming to an apparent other being, “Please, don’t kill me! I have a family to support. Please don’t kill me!” He quickly fled.

Sister Marietta did not know why this man behaved the way he did, but, nevertheless, she was overwhelmed by the experience. 

When Brother Ralph Frammolino, a teacher in the church, arrived at her house later that day to visit, she did not mention the attempted robbery. Strangely, Brother Ralph began to question her as to what was wrong. She started to cry and then related that morning’s incident.

Much to her surprise, Brother Ralph began to unfold a dream given to him the previous night in which he saw all that happened to Sister Marietta. 

At the point when the thief threatened her with his revolver, Brother Ralph saw a heavenly being bearing a sword in the same room. 

It was this heavenly messenger that had frightened the robber. 

Praise God for His protection and revelation!

“Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved.” (1 Nephi 22:17)

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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