by Sister Mandy Griffith | May 27, 2022 | Deny Yourself & Follow Jesus, Divine Protection
Doesn’t it feel great to be “invited”? From being welcomed into a childhood kickball game, to being included at a birthday party, to being asked to participate in an important project, or being accepted to a desired college…it is a moral boost to receive an...
by Sister Terri Nath | Dec 13, 2021 | Divine Protection, Miracles
Today’s Miracle Monday is from Sister Terri Nath, and it happened long ago right around this time of year. On a November night 38 years ago, I was on my way home from Christmas shopping. I was driving along the river road, which is dark with no berm along the...
by Sister Vicki Ali | Sep 27, 2021 | Divine Protection
Today’s Miracle Monday is a reprint from way, way back: 2012. It’s an experience had by Sister Vicki Ali and her family. Fall is just around the corner. One of my husband’s favorite things about the season is that it ushers in the time of year when our...
by Sister KarenJo Pandone | Aug 2, 2021 | Angels, Divine Protection
When Sister KarenJo Pandone read “Downtown Angels” a few weeks back, it reminded her of a time when God sent “angels” to her in a moment of great need. Some years ago, there was a special meeting in Muncey, and I drove my mom, Sister Rose...
by Kathie Perkins | May 10, 2021 | Divine Protection, Miracles
Today’s Miracle Monday is a testimony of protection from Brother Larry and Sister Kathie Perkins, Detroit Branch 1. Since retiring, my husband and I have been fortunate to escape the wintry weather in Michigan for several weeks every year and drive to sunny...
by Michelle Watson, Sandy Brown-Deramus | Apr 5, 2021 | Divine Protection
Today’s Miracle Monday from Sister Sandy Brown-Deramus (Columbus Branch, Ohio) may sound familiar. That’s because it was one of the Gospel News Blessing Bits in the April 2021 issue. Here’s the extended version of the story, as promised. One day in...
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