Fear in Headlights

by | Dec 13, 2021 | Divine Protection, Miracles | 2 comments


Today’s Miracle Monday is from Sister Terri Nath, and it happened long ago right around this time of year.

On a November night 38 years ago, I was on my way home from Christmas shopping.

I was driving along the river road, which is dark with no berm along the side of the road.

As I was going up a slight grade, I saw headlights coming straight at me in my lane. There was no place for me to go, and I only had a moment to say, “God help me.”

The next thing I knew, the vehicle, a truck, had passed and was still in my lane on the road behind me. I knew God had intervened because there was no way that truck could miss hitting me head on.

To this day, when I come to that place in the road, I am reminded of what God did for me that night. I thank Him for His continual protection.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Christina DiCenzo

    WOW Sister!
    Thank you Lord for your Devine intervention! Our God is soooo good!

  2. Brother Gary Thompson

    Amen. Thank GOD. There was a similar experience from some Brothers in the Detroit area years back. I remember hearing it but I can’t remember all the details but I do remember them all saying it was as if they drove right through the other car and there was no harm done to anyone. GOD Bless.


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Further Reading

Nothing to Fear

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Not Going to Oz Today

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