Doesn’t it feel great to be “invited”? From being welcomed into a childhood kickball game, to being included at a birthday party, to being asked to participate in an important project, or being accepted to a desired college…it is a moral boost to receive an invitation. We feel…

Valued. Regarded. Wanted

In my teenage years, I remember a few occasions feeling sorry for myself when I didn’t receive an invitation that I wanted. Maybe you can relate to being left out in some way. We feel…

Overlooked. Rejected. Excluded.

But then one day, I received the ultimate invitation. I went to church in my home branch—Niles, Ohio—and the Lord met me there. As the ministry watched me under the touch of the spirit, I was asked to come forward to receive hands laid on for spiritual strength. A brother prayed a beautiful prayer, and as I greeted him, he spoke in the Gift of Tongues. Another brother had the interpretation, and the Word of the Lord said, “Come and walk with Me.” 

What an invitation! Jesus spoke to me. He extended a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to me. Suddenly, I felt… 

Treasured. Cherished. Loved. 

Alma 5:33 says:

“Behold, He sendeth an invitation unto all men, for the arms of mercy are extended towards them, and He saith: Repent, and I will receive you.”

That invitation started me on the path to salvation. Christ offers each of us an invitation to walk with Him. Will you accept the invitation today? 

Verse 62 goes on to say:

“…unto those who do not belong to the church I speak by way of invitation, saying: Come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye also may be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life.”

The Songs of Zion has a hymn, No. 68 The Invitation. If you’ve never heard it or it’s been a while since you’ve sung it, take a listen to these beautiful words, and know the invitation is for you.

Come poor man, taste the honey

The Lord requires no money

The Gospel’s milk is waiting

And Jesus bids thee come 

Leave all the things of sin behind

Lest Jesus pass you by

That empty heart, that hollow spot

The world can’t hope to satisfy

Come poor man to the fountain

That flows from Calvary’s mountain

For He who drinks this water

Shall never thirst again

Leave everything that sin describes

Christ Jesus bids thee sup

Hold out the vessel of your heart

He’s come today to fill it up

Christ offers free salvation

To wealth, the invitation

For He who finds the Gospel

Is never poor again

The fainting heart, the failing mind

The soul so starved by sin

The days and nights blurred into one

You’ll never have to face again

Come walk upon the bright side

The narrow and the right side

The clouds will never find you

When Jesus walks with you

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Mandy Griffith

    Lives on the west coast of sunny Florida with husband Brother Scott and teenage sons Wesley and Zacary

    View all posts English teacher Exercise, playing piano, planning special events, baking Mosiah chapter 4


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Further Reading

Are you in it for the long haul?

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