Lessons Learned From a Bad Haircut

by | Sep 18, 2018 | Devotional | 3 comments


Plain and simple, a bad haircut is just bad. More often than not, if you are the victim of the heinous “crime” of an unruly trim, it may seem like all hope is lost and that nothing can be done. Being the victim of one such offense, I learned some valuable lessons about myself, about life, and about God.

LESSON ONE: Communication Is Key

Although I was very clear about how I wanted my hair to be cut, I don’t think the stylist understood and ended up doing something very different than what I asked her to do. In hindsight, I should have said something to her as she was finishing up, but I was so shocked at the outcome of the cut that the last thing I wanted to do was stay in the salon any longer than I needed to.

It is so easy to be misunderstood, or to be confused about the things that happen in life. Thankfully for me, I know God understands me even better than I understand myself. He knows my every need, even before I ask Him, and He’ll always give me what is best for me. I never have to worry about Him not understanding how I want my hair to be cut.

LESSON TWO: People Will Always Let Me Down, but God Never Will

This lesson is a lesson I’ve grappled with my entire life. It’s so easy to put faith and trust in people you know and love. It’s also easy to have high hopes and expectations for people who are supposed to be professionals at what they do. Unfortunately, everyone is human, and no one is perfect. God, on the other hand, is completely perfect. Whenever I call on Him, He will be there. Whenever I fall, He will pick me up. Whenever I need a friend, He will be the closest, most reliable friend I will ever have. 

LESSON THREE: It’s Good to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone.

I have been cutting my hair the same way for the last 10 years. Every once in a while, I’ll switch things up, but for the most part, my stylist doesn’t even have to ask me what I want because it’s always the same. My life falls into a similar state of sameness. It’s very easy for me to get into a pattern of living and to just go through the motions. It’s even easier for me to treat my spiritual life in a similar way.

The bad haircut was not a good “out of comfort zone” activity, but it did make me try new things with my hair. It was a reminder that I don’t have to always follow the same daily schedule. In the same way, I should try to get out of my comfort zone in terms of my spiritual life. Yes, I’m still going to say my prayers before every meal and when I go to bed at night, but maybe I’ll be more thoughtful with what I pray about. Maybe I’ll try a scripture reading challenge to keep myself further engaged with my relationship with God. I should be doing more than what I’m doing now, even if it feels a little uncomfortable.

LESSON FOUR: God Will Never Stop Loving Me, No Matter How I Look Because I Will Always Look Perfect in His Eyes

This is another one I’ve been learning my whole life. Maybe this bad haircut was a wake-up call, a lesson in vanity and pride? Maybe I’ve been putting too much value in what I look like on the outside rather than focusing on the inside? Whatever the case may be, I was reminded that I am so much more than what I look like and that my worth is so much more than my outward appearance. God has given me a heart and a soul and a spirit, and those are the things that define me, not the length of the hair covering my forehead. It is so easy to nitpick at little things, but I try to remind myself everyday that God doesn’t love me for what I look like. He loves me because I’m His child and I am worth so much more.

LESSON FIVE: Hair Grows Back. People Grow Up

Guess what! My hair grew back! It’s unruly, and I probably need to get it cut again soon, but here’s the thing: I’ve grown with my hair and I’ve learned a few new things since the whole debacle. I now know that I definitely won’t be going back to the place I went to for my last trim. I’ve learned that vitamins with biotin are supposed to make your hair grow longer, although I’m not convinced that’s true. I have an even deeper understanding of the nature of God. I try to spend a little less time worrying about my outward appearance, and I’ve been working on the stuff inside. And, I have five new life lessons to lean on when things get tough. Sometimes the bad things in life are the best blessings in disguise.

Bio Rachel

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Brother Gary Thompson

    Wow, what a fantastic article. Thank you Sister.

  2. Anonymous

    Loved the blog!! I believe we have to be reminded of each of your lessons from time to time to get us through those trying times whether they are big or small. Awwesome job!

  3. Sister Michelle Watson

    I love how you draw out the spiritual applications of this mishap. I think this is really great to do because instead of dwelling on the bad, you’re using it as an opportunity to think more about God.


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