How to Use a GPS App

How to Use a GPS App

“Global Positioning System” (GPS) apps have gained widespread use in recent years. The purpose of such an app (which may go by the name Waze or Google Maps) is simple — it helps you get to where you want to go. Using a GPS app is quite easy: Start up the app.Tell it...
A Tapback from Jesus

A Tapback from Jesus

What if Jesus gave us a tapback? What would that look like?  First of all, let me tell you what a tapback is. If you are younger than me, which many people I meet lately are, then you may know that tapbacks are the symbols that individuals send back when...

Church Value 1: Faith

This is the first in a series of 13 articles about the values that the church has identified. Read yesterday’s blog post by Brother John DiBattista to learn why having values is important. Over the next few weeks, you’ll see additional articles about the...