Today’s Miracle Monday is an experience from Sister Marie McGuire. It was a beautiful summer day in St. Louis county, Missouri, 1959. I was home with my children in the early...

Today’s Miracle Monday is an experience from Sister Marie McGuire. It was a beautiful summer day in St. Louis county, Missouri, 1959. I was home with my children in the early...
Today's Miracle Monday is an experience that the late Sister Marie McGuire had on May 9-10, 1991, almost exactly 28 years ago. One morning, after awakening, some words came to...
May is graduation month, so we're focusing our Good Word Fridays on advice for new grads. Today's verse talks about material wealth. Money is a huge thing for young people just...
If winter weather is getting you down, today's experience from Sister Marie McGuire will take you back to summertime. During the summer of 1963, I was downstairs doing laundry,...
Today, let's thank God for the gift of music! Praising God with a song is one of the most joyful ways to express our thanks. Whether we sing with all the breath our lungs can...
Today's Miracle Monday is for all of you who are job hunting right now. This is an experience from Sister Marie McGuire. It was a beautiful, sun-shiny early summer day in St....
Today's Good Word is a pearl of wisdom from Proverbs. It reminds us that the truth and a lie don't have a similar lifespan. The truth stands firm, holds up to scrutiny, and...
Today's Miracle Monday comes to us from a personal account by Sister Marie McGuire. I gave birth to my first son, Mickey, on September 27, 1950. At the time, I was living...
Have you ever seen someone who wasn't raised with faith come to the Lord? And then their family members follow? These people break the cycle, so to speak, and the entire...
Today's Miracle Monday is the testimony of Sister Marie McGuire, recorded in her own words (abridged slightly for length). I shall relate to you my first major experience. It is...