Brother Rich Nath

Articles by Brother Rich Nath

Peaceful Discourse

Peaceful Discourse

Recently we read the summaries from GMBA Campout, where one of the themes of the week was peace, using Philippians 4:7 as the basis. The peace of God surely does pass all...

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I’ll Praise God Forever

I’ll Praise God Forever

It's been a long time since I've heard No. 84 in The Songs of Zion, but I awoke to it the morning after praying that God would inspire me with an article. I began to read the...

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The Weight of the World

The Weight of the World

Have you ever had a time in your life where it felt like you were carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? Recently I experienced a time like this. I felt like I was...

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How’s Your Prayer Life?

How’s Your Prayer Life?

This week, we're featuring a series of blog articles that all relate to prayer. If there's one thing to commit to in the New Year, it's tough to top prayer. Today's article was...

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My First Trip to Guatemala

My First Trip to Guatemala

In mid-November 2017, I made my first missionary trip to Guatemala with five others from the U.S. We were all in country by Thursday night, with our itinerary starting first...

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God’s Hand in the Hurricane

Today we're sharing the testimony of Brother Rich Nath and his family as they weathered the storm of Hurricane Harvey. (Brother Rich previously shared this miracle via the Gospel...

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