Today, we wrap up our series of Good Words on free will. This scripture from Helaman tells us that God has given us "a knowledge" and He's made us "free." What do these two...
Articles by GospelBlog
Spread the Good Word: Joshua 24:15
It's a new month, and you know what that means. A new set of scriptures for Good Word Friday. In honor of Independence Day, our next theme focuses on a specific type of freedom:...
Merry Christmas!
Everyone here at the Gospel Blog wishes you and yours a very merry Christmas! This year, our Christmas message is nothing fancy, just sincere wishes that you draw close to Christ...
Spread the Good Word: Acts 5:31
We here at the Gospel Blog hope that you have a wonderful Christmas weekend ahead of you! May you enjoy all the happy moments that are in store, but may you also find time to...
Blessing Bits from the Gospel News
Those of you who read the Gospel News are familiar with the Blessing Bits that occupy the back page of the paper. These are concisely told testimonies from saints around the...
Spread the Good Word: Isaiah 46:5
Today's Good Word reminds us that we serve a God beyond compare. There is no other god beside Him. There is no greater power. He stands alone. No matter how big your challenges,...
Spread the Good Word: 2 Nephi 2:27
We live in a society that prizes free, independent choice above almost all other things. This impulse to be in charge of our own lives, to choose what we feel is best for us, to...
Spread the Good Word: Mosiah 18:8 (Plus a Bonus!)
Are you weighed down by a burden right now? If so, then we hope you remember that you don't have to carry it alone. God is ready and willing to make heavy burdens light. How? The...
This Way to GMBA Camp
If you missed yesterday's post, we're dedicating this week on the blog to bringing you a bit of GMBA Camp if you aren't able to attend. Each day, everyone at camp gets a...
Happy Fourth of July! {Plus GMBA Camp Week!}
We hope that you are enjoying a wonderful Independence Day! There is a lot to reflect on today in terms of our nation, and we hope that this holiday prompts you to pray for our...