Experiencing God’s Wisdom

Experiencing God’s Wisdom

One Thursday evening at a local restaurant, I noted four or five men reading the Bible. As they were leaving and walking by, I commented that it was nice to see them studying the Scriptures.  One of them invited me to join them the next Thursday. Curious, I did...
Be Alert

Be Alert

A few years ago, a sister in the church had sent me some dreams and experiences to read. I was so eager to dig in because these are my favorite things to read! The sister reminded me about praying beforehand, so that the Lord would confirm and even reveal things to...
Argh, That Distracting Drum Set

Argh, That Distracting Drum Set

If you are familiar with the Gospel Blog, then you may remember that I have the opportunity to work with kids with various disabilities, and this column is to share the lessons I have learned from those kids. One particular 8-year-old boy, let’s just call him...
You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

I recently discovered that with my Amazon Prime account I can watch SpongeBob for free. This came at a time when I was very stressed at the end of my college semester because, not only did I have to prepare for all of my finals, but, as part of my job, I needed to...
Thoughts to Ponder

Thoughts to Ponder

“…but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart” (Luke 2:51).  The mother in this scripture is Mary, and the scenario is when she couldn’t find Jesus after three days. Jesus was 12 years old at the time, a young boy whom she found in the temple speaking with...