One Seat in the Miracle Section, Please!
The people in Bethsaida are confused. After the miraculous feeding of the 5,000 in that town on the previous day, only one boat left that night to cross the Sea of Galilee and Jesus was not on it — only His disciples were. Yet, today, Jesus and His disciples are all...
Dear Busy Parent
Dear Busy Parent, Keeping the kids alive, shuttling them to and from their various activities and schools and daycares, working in order to afford said activities and to survive, taking care of meals and making sure the house is clean and the yard is tidy…there...
The Apps That So Easily Beset Us
My job as a physical therapist brings me into people’s homes to work with their special needs kids. One particular kid I work with is unable to stand or walk because of the severity of his cerebral palsy. However he has a good chance of being able to walk if he...
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