Praying for Ouchies

Praying for Ouchies

Dear Parents of Toddlers, Isn’t it amazing how Band-Aids and ice packs (or “boo-boo bunnies” as we call ours) are magical to our kids?  Scrape a knee? Let’s put a Band-Aid on it, and it’ll be all better. Bump your head? Let’s get the boo-boo bunny to...
Healing from a traumatic event

Healing from a traumatic event

My dear brothers and sisters, I wish we could live in a world where nothing bad ever happened to the people of God. But, bad things—horrible things—happen to good people every day. This is one of the hardest concepts that we, as followers of Christ, grapple with. Why...
Toys and Testimonies

Toys and Testimonies

See the awesome glass gemstone I’m holding in the picture at the top of today’s article? It’s very, very cool. A friend brought it to our house for a playdate, and the kids decided it would be VERY FUN for one person to hide the gemstone so that the...
Relying on God

Relying on God

As children, we rely on our parents for everything. Without a second thought on our part, there was food on the table and clothes in the closet. We never wondered how we were getting to school or who would tuck us in at night. Mom and Dad took care of it all. They...