And It Came to Pass: The Answer
“And It Came to Pass” A few weeks ago, we explored “The Question,” and now we’re going to delve into “The Answer.” In a few weeks, you’ll read Part 3 in this series, “The Reality.” The Three Nephites, as we commonly...
Scorn-Free Offering of the Power of God
After casting out the devils from the man in the Gadarenes, Jesus sails back across the Sea of Galilee, arriving back in Capernaum where He is greeted by a large group of people. Among this group is a man named Jairus, who is the leader of the local synagogue. Jairus...
Unity in the Storm
There has been much exhortation regarding unity. The polar opposite, division, is what the opposition is engaged in. Recently, the General Church set aside a week of fasting and prayer, and one of the items prayed for was: God’s gift of Unity and Love to be upon the...
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