The Exploding Bottle

by | Sep 23, 2022 | Ordinances | 0 comments

Today’s article describes a powerful healing recorded in the Church History Book.

Sunday evening, May 5, 1974, would begin like any other MBA in the Monongahela PA Branch. 

Evangelist George Johnson was to present his lesson, “The Resurrection of Christ.” But, before he began, a small girl was brought up to be anointed for a lump on her neck the size of a lemon. A powerful, spirited prayer followed. The girl returned to her seat, and the bottle of oil was placed on the corner of the rostrum.

Brother Johnson began his lesson. Brother Richard Scaglione describes:

During a discussion of the meaning and importance of Christ’s words, “I am the resurrection and the life,” Brother Johnson emphasized the fact that there is power in Christ’s resurrection that reaches down to us in our day

At that moment, the cap and neck of the oil bottle literally blew off. The cap of the bottle, with the jagged piece of the neck still tightly in place, landed on the floor in front of the pulpit where the communion table was located. Then it rolled backward toward the pulpit and stopped under the table.

“I didn’t even touch it!” Brother Johnson exclaimed, thinking that perhaps someone may have thought he struck the bottle while he spoke.

Brother Scaglione:

A fine spray of oil from the bottle covered the edge of the pulpit. The power in the ordinance of anointing was verified the next day when the lump on the child’s side disappeared. 

The bottle and the cap, with part of the jagged neck still connected, are on display in the Monongahela Branch (as seen in the photo) as a reminder of the power in the resurrection of our Savior and His great healing power.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

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