Pleas and Promises

by | Mar 12, 2018 | Miracles | 1 comment


Today’s Miracle Monday is a testimony from Sister Terri Nath. Enjoy!

Reading a recent Miracle Monday reminded me of a miracle God performed with our son, Jonathan. He was about 18 months old at the time, and he loved sitting and playing in cupboards. I had cleaned out one in my kitchen, so when I was working in there or cooking, he could play in it, and I knew he would be safe.

One day, he was doing just that when I heard him choking. I picked him up, frantically checking his mouth and throat, swiping it with my finger and doing the Heimlich with no results. Being a nurse, I knew I didn’t have enough time to get to the ER. He was beginning to turn blue, so I cried out to the Lord and said, “Please don’t take another child of mine, please.”

At that moment, Jonathan quit choking, opened his mouth, and on the tip of his tongue was a piece of plastic wrap. God heard my plea and answered it. Today, Jonathan is an elder in the Church.

Two years before that, God saw fit to take our little girl to save my life, and then He gave me a dream where He sent our daughter to me with a beautiful jewel box trimmed in blue. I was given the understanding God would be giving me the gift of a son (Jonathan). I’d had another dream where I saw two boys playing in the stones in front of our house, one was about 6 and the other was about 2 years old. When Jonathan was 2 and Rich was 6, I actually saw what I saw in the dream. I took a picture to show my husband exactly what God had shown me two years prior.

God has always shown me He is a God of miracles and answered prayers throughout my life. I can never sufficiently praise His name and thank Him for the goodness in my life.

Miracle Monday Themes Are Back!

We’re going to start back up with themed months for Miracle Monday. Our focus for April is dreams and visions. Have you had one that you’d like to praise God for? Perhaps God gave one to someone else on your behalf. Now’s the time to share! Click here to send your story online or email us at TCOJCblog[at]

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


1 Comment

  1. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    What a beautiful experience! Thank God, He has blessed you with such a wonderful family!


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Further Reading

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