He Saved My Sight

by | Sep 13, 2021 | Healings | 1 comment


Today’s Miracle Monday comes from Sister Naomi Hopkins from the Pinetop-Lakeside Branch. It happened a few years back but was related in a recent testimony meeting.

I was losing sight in one eye, and my doctor said I had to have surgery. He assured me that it would be painless and that it would help me see better out of that eye.

I had the surgery, but afterward, it was most definitely not painless. My eye hurt terribly. What’s worse, my eyesight did not improve. It actually got worse until I became totally blind in that eye. It was very discouraging to me, and I had to learn to live life with only one good eye. 

A while later, I started losing sight in my other eye — the only one I had left! 

My doctor told me I should have the same surgery on this eye, again assuring me that it should be painless and result in improved eyesight. I didn’t want to have the surgery, knowing what happened last time, but my eyesight was getting so bad that I decided to go ahead with it. 

After the surgery, my eye started to hurt, just as the other one had after the last surgery. I was scared that the same thing was going to happen and I’d be blind in both eyes.

Brother Emil Palensar drove to my house to anoint me. During the prayer, I felt the pain go away. I started to cry hard. After the prayer, I stood up and praised Jesus, crying, “I know it’s healed! The pain is gone!”

Sure enough, the sight in that eye improved, just as it should’ve. I can see out of that eye, and I’m so grateful to the Lord for healing me and letting me keep my sight. 

Your Testimony Matters

Do you have a testimony that you’d like to thank God for? That’s what Miracle Monday is all about. Our goal is to praise the Lord for the great things he’s done for us. You’ve already praised Him in your branch and to your family and friends? That’s awesome. It’s OK to praise Him again. Testimonies never get old. Click here to share yours. 

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


1 Comment

  1. George P

    Dear Sister Michelle, God healed your eye because God knows how much we need your testimonies. Love in Jesus Christ


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Further Reading

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