Explosive Experience

by | Sep 16, 2013 | Miracles | 4 comments

The following experience is from the pages of the Detroit Branch #1 history. Special thanks to Sister Rosanne Champine for sharing it with us. The experience was had by her father, Brother Tony Scolaro, and it’s told in his own words. We’re so happy to share it for today’s divine protection-themed Miracle Monday.

The Lord has given me many beautiful experiences in my life. One outstanding experience occurred while I was at work.

In February 1947, when I was employed as Assistant Manager at a branch of a large bank in Detroit, a bandit came in and demanded we fill a bag he had with money. “Large bills,” he said, and “Hurry, with no alarms, or you will all be dead!”

He held a paper bag, which he said contained a bottle of nitroglycerin, an explosive liquid, which he said would blow us all to kingdom come if he threw it on the floor.

In my efforts to stop him, I was able to grab the bottle out of his hand. The liquid spilled all over my hands and then all over the floor. The terrazzo floor immediately started to foam and became pocked and powdered, but, miraculously, it had no effect on my hands. Instead, it seemed to be just like water.

God had saved me from certain harm! The bandit was apprehended by the police and sentenced to prison for attempted robbery.

I cannot sufficiently thank the Lord for the many blessings He has bestowed upon me. I do not feel as though I have served Him. Indeed, He has served me!

Testimony Tales for October

Next month, the Miracle Monday theme is testimonies. Do you have an experience related to giving your testimony? Share it with us. We’re going to be honest. We could really use a few more contributions for next month. We appreciate everyone who takes the time to share their experiences. They are truly a blessing to read. So, please don’t hold back. Email your story to TCOJCblog@gmail.com.



  1. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    What a beautiful experience!! How truly amazing!! 🙂

  2. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    What a beautiful experience!! How truly amazing!! 🙂


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Further Reading

For Us—Multiplied by Four Us

This last venture into the “For Us” portion of the word of God takes us to Romans 8, where the two-word combination is used four times within a ten-verse span of scripture.  It seems when God wants to bring something to our attention, He repeats it. In our own...

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Nothing to Fear

In 2011, I discovered — and my doctor confirmed — a large tumor in my body. I was facing further tests, which caused me great concern. On a Sunday morning, I went before the ministry of the branch to be anointed. That day, a sister shared the following vision:...

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