Things That Matter

Things That Matter

“But this much I can tell you, that if you do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of...
Everyone’s looking at me!

Everyone’s looking at me!

My job is to go to the homes of kids with special needs, and I write articles about the lessons I learn from those kids (or, in this case, their parents). I work with a 9-year-old girl—let’s just call her Dot—who is unable to speak, but she is able to let you...
It’s a Very Common Condition

It’s a Very Common Condition

I have the opportunity to work with kids with special needs. One particular kid, let’s just call him Mike, has a condition that is unpronounceable, unspellable, and unthinkable. His mom tells me it is a “white matter disease.”  Now this itsy bitsy kid is...
Lessons I Learned From My Garden

Lessons I Learned From My Garden

I’ve had a few hobbies in my life, but the one that I’ve been most passionate about is gardening. There have been lessons that I’ve learned from my garden that I have found to be very applicable in my life.  Love Others Without Judgment  When it comes to...
He Planted Me Deep

He Planted Me Deep

Have you ever sat in church, singing a song that you’ve sung so many times that you’ve memorized all the words, and realized that you never really read them before? Today, for whatever reason, you actually read the words as you sing and let them sink in. That happened...
Tell God You Love Him

Tell God You Love Him

I recently watched a TV show where heaven was portrayed as a corporation with God as the leader. One of the running jokes of the show was God telling one particular employee that He loved him over and over again, with the employee never reciprocating. Instead, he...