Be Alert

Be Alert

A few years ago, a sister in the church had sent me some dreams and experiences to read. I was so eager to dig in because these are my favorite things to read! The sister reminded me about praying beforehand, so that the Lord would confirm and even reveal things to...
One Seat in the Miracle Section, Please!

One Seat in the Miracle Section, Please!

The people in Bethsaida are confused. After the miraculous feeding of the 5,000 in that town on the previous day, only one boat left that night to cross the Sea of Galilee and Jesus was not on it — only His disciples were. Yet, today, Jesus and His disciples are all...
Healing from a traumatic event

Healing from a traumatic event

My dear brothers and sisters, I wish we could live in a world where nothing bad ever happened to the people of God. But, bad things—horrible things—happen to good people every day. This is one of the hardest concepts that we, as followers of Christ, grapple with. Why...
Jesus Is More Than a Doctor (Part 2)

Jesus Is More Than a Doctor (Part 2)

Part 1 of this article began with the miraculous healing of the woman with the issue of blood (see Mark 5, Luke 8, Matthew 9). Doctors were unable to heal the woman, but when she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, she was healed instantly. Although many of us have...
Jesus Is More Than a Doctor (Part 1)

Jesus Is More Than a Doctor (Part 1)

I’m not a woman, so I haven’t had to go through this myself but, having a wife and three daughters, I’m familiar with the physical issue that a younger woman has to deal with for several days every month. The bleeding associated with that time of the month is...