I was recently frozen in fear in my life. Satan was working overtime. Even though I can say with surety it was Satan, and even though I had it told to me by everyone in my life that it was him, and even as I type this, I remember a dream where he appeared to me to...
If you or your children grew up watching Sesame Street, you’re probably familiar with a little song called “One of These is Not Like the Others.” While the song is sung, the child is shown four different objects where three are similar and one is different and the...
Dear Brothers, Sisters and fellow blog readers, Do you ever struggle with anxiety, big or small? I do. I think about things I probably shouldn’t. Big things (to me) like, “What if I need to get off the plane but I can’t?” or “What if this medication...
The following experience had by the late Sister Marietta Ruzzi is from the pages of the Detroit Branch 1 history. Scripture says that angels administer unto those possessing a “strong faith and a firm mind in every form of godliness” (Moroni 7:30). It was...
Recently, I had been having some heart palpitations for a few months in a row. I had done some research (new 40’s hormones) and was also paying attention to the monthly pattern I saw. I was anointed a few times and had moments of really feeling God’s...
The Goodbye Letters, Part 2. Dear Depression, It was just a couple of years ago when I wrote to your other half, Anxiety. But I know how connected the two of you are, and it was only a matter of time before you heard from me too. It’s like you guys just can’t...
Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
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