Blessing Bits: Miracles in the Moment

by | Jan 29, 2021 | Miracles | 0 comments


Today’s article consists of Blessing Bits from the May 2020 issue of The Gospel News. Do you have your own blessings to tell? Click here to share them with us.

He Heals the Sick

The week leading up to the GMBA Youth Camp, I was praying that God would bless us with a miracle like the ones we read about in the book of Matthew. After the day’s activities, some of the other girls and I headed to the bathroom to start getting ready for bed.

On our way, we ran into one of the younger girls who was covered in hives We located a couple ministers to anoint her and within minutes her hives were almost gone, if not completely. I thank God for the opportunity to attend the youth camp and witness this miracle, but above all else that she was okay and able to enjoy the rest of the weekend. – Sister Hallee Ivey, Mesa Branch, Arizona

He Demonstrates His Power

We were invited to a church wedding at an outdoor venue which had no covered area suitable for the wedding ceremony, just an open meadow. The weather forecast was nonstop rain for the entire day, and it started out that way, so we prayed that God would stop it to allow the wedding to take place.

We shared with some non-believers who were also to attend that God would hear our prayers and take care of the situation. Sure enough, with just enough time to dry off the seats before the wedding was to start, the rain stopped, the clouds parted, and we enjoyed beautiful weather for the ceremony.

Minutes after closing prayer, the rain resumed, which was okay, as the festivities moved to an indoor reception. In addition to reinforcing our faith, this was a blessing to all attending and a great demonstration of God’s power for all the non-believers present. –Brother Timothy Scolaro, Mesa Branch, Arizona

Share Your Testimony of Praise

Do you love reading miracle stories? So do we. Contribute to Miracle Monday on the Gospel Blog or the Blessing Bits column in the Gospel News, and give God praise for what He’s done for you. It doesn’t have to be long or eloquent or “big.” Let’s use this opportunity to glorify God for His special blessings. Click here to share your testimony.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

Nothing to Fear

In 2011, I discovered — and my doctor confirmed — a large tumor in my body. I was facing further tests, which caused me great concern. On a Sunday morning, I went before the ministry of the branch to be anointed. That day, a sister shared the following vision:...

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Not Going to Oz Today

About 20 years ago when I was working at a hospital, God spared me from a tornado.  It was a long day at work, which started about two hours before my normal tour of duty. I was in charge of a patient event that very hot summer day and found myself exhausted...

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