Here's the next installment of "Melodies with Meaning," where our columnists tell you about some of their favorite spiritual songs. Today, we're hearing from Sister Dianne. “Hi...

Here's the next installment of "Melodies with Meaning," where our columnists tell you about some of their favorite spiritual songs. Today, we're hearing from Sister Dianne. “Hi...
He's got the whole world in His hands.He's got the itty bitty baby in His hands.He's got a-you and me brother in His hands.He's got a-you and me sister in His hands. He's got the...
The date is December 21, 2019, and as I sit at my kitchen table early this morning, I read a message requesting prayer for Brother Paul Palmieri. I love Brother Paul’s testimony...
September 28 is my New Year’s Eve. My life was changed on September 29, 1974 when I chose to follow Jesus and be baptized. If you’re under the age of 30, that seems like a...
Today is the last Good Word for 2019 and the final scripture in our series on "Wonder." This verse tells us that the counsel, teaching, and instruction of God is wonderful and...
For those of you that shop at big box stores, such as Sam’s Club or Costco, you may be able to identify with this true story. On a recent shopping trip to Costco, I walked past a...
Today's Miracle Monday is a testimony of miraculous healing sent to us by Sister Dianne Maddox. A few months ago, I found a lump on my back. I ignored it for a while, hoping it...
Today, we're continuing our Good Word theme of music and song. Today's scripture describes how singing to God brings joy to the soul. Have you ever experienced the opposite,...
"Married But Not Engaged" is the title of a book I recently came across. Interesting play on words, isn't it? For the sake of this blog, please allow me the liberty to change the...
Today, we're introducing a series of articles called, "If I Could Have Dinner With…" Each participating writer has chosen someone from scripture or church history who they'd love...