Spread the Good Word: Isaiah 28:29

by | Dec 27, 2019 | The Good Word | 0 comments


Today is the last Good Word for 2019 and the final scripture in our series on “Wonder.” This verse tells us that the counsel, teaching, and instruction of God is wonderful and amazing when we see it working.

Learning is great, but sometimes we become weary students. Reading God’s Word can be tiring. Following His Word can be even harder. It doesn’t seem all that wonderful.

As we approach the New Year, it’s important to retain a sense of wonder in the face of God’s counsel.

Today’s verse, if you read the verses around it, appears in the context of an agricultural metaphor. When a farmer works the ground, he can either learn the law of seasons, of sowing and reaping. Or, he can deny those laws and persist in farming his own way, never seeing any good fruit.

When we go about our lives in these modern times, we can either recognize the truth of God’s laws as we learn lessons and gain life experience. Or, we can deny His laws and persist in doing our own thing, never making the progress we’d like, never breaking the destructive cycles, and always wondering why.

God designed and crafted this world and everything in it, as a whole, to reinforce His eternal truths. Let’s be wide-eyed and awestruck students, soaking up the wonderful counsel of God and marveling at its excellent working.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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