In the middle of a conversation regarding the death of a young sister in 1984, my grandmother said, “People call them the good old days, but we had problems too.” She peered over...

In the middle of a conversation regarding the death of a young sister in 1984, my grandmother said, “People call them the good old days, but we had problems too.” She peered over...
“Advertising, this is Dianne.” “Mom, I forgot my lunch, can you bring it to me?” “Sister Dianne, would you be able to take charge of Sunday’s lunch?” “Hi...
“You’re from Dayton, Ohio?” the doctor asked me. “Yes, we lived there for 18 years.” The pulmonologist glanced back at the computer monitor, turned back to...
Today's article is part of our summer series, "Be of Good Courage." “Come in, I want to show you something,” my mother said as I stood at her front door holding a few bags of...
“Read the top line please.” “C, H, S, D,” I say proudly. “This line please.” “Z, S, E, O.” “And this one.” Squinting, I say “R, T, U, V. Is that...
A few years ago, I received a phone call from Sister Carolynn O’Connor. “Hi Sister Dianne, would you be interested in helping out with the Gospel News?” I’ve always been a fan of...
During the GMBA Conference of November 2035, as I walk to the front of the room along with the other "seasoned saints," I think, "What a...
Dear Chocolate, As much as I love you, our relationship is not healthy for me. I am so weak when I am around you. Any boundaries that I've set quickly melt away. I make excuses...
For the last six months, I have carefully wiped my groceries with sanitizing wipes before I bring them into the house. I am constantly wiping the steering wheel of my car, and...
"Do you miss living in Ohio?" I often get asked. The first words that quickly slip off of my tongue are "I MISS gardening!" "But Florida is beautiful, why can't you garden...