Gospel News

The Gospel News

The Gospel News is the monthly newspaper of The Church of Jesus Christ.

Here, you’ll find messages from Church leadership, updates on Church events, and recurring columns to inspire and encourage.

Founded in 1938, The Gospel News has a rich history.

It used to be the primary news outlet for Church members to communicate with one another about local updates, blessings, and testimonies. (Scroll down, and you’ll find every single one of those precious back issues.) Now, this Church newspaper remains a source of spiritual nourishment and uplift.

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Gospel News January 2024

January/February 2024

Gospel News March Cover 2024

March 2024

Gospel News Cover

April 2024

Gospel News May Cover

May 2024

The Gospel News June

June 2024

Gospel News July 2020 cover

July/August 2023

September 2023 Gospel News Cover

September 2023

Gospel News Cover Oct 2023

October 2023

November 2023 Gospel News Cover

November 2023

December 2023 Gospel News

December 2023

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Answer the Question of the Month Here!

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