There’s a Potter at Work

by | Jan 29, 2018 | Testimonies | 2 comments


Today’s Miracle Monday is a beautiful testimony from Sister Rosanne Champine. Enjoy!

“There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?” (John 6:9)

When I was 13 years old, my skills on the piano had developed just enough to allow me to begin including simple hymns into my weekly practice. I was going through some piles on the piano in our basement one day, looking for a new hymn to learn, when I came across sheet music for a song I knew my father loved. Its title was “It Matters to Him About You,” and the words and the melody, which I had heard before in Church, were most beautiful. Then and there, I determined to learn it for my father, intending to surprise him (and my mother) on Father’s Day, which was a few months away. This would be my special gift to him!

The music was more advanced than what I was accustomed to, but in spite of the difficulty, over the weeks, I continued to secretly practice.

During this same time, my sister and her husband were happily expecting their first child. One night, shortly before Father’s Day, my parents told my brothers and me they were headed for the hospital as my sister had gone into labor. We eagerly anticipated the baby’s arrival.

But the next day, my parents came home grief-stricken. Unfortunately, without any prior warning, the baby had survived only a few hours. This was devastating. We trust the Lord and believe that “all things work together for good,” yet still sometimes, the difficulties of life are almost more than we can bear.

Everyone was understandably subdued that day. I had never seen my father so sad. He had quietly made his way to the basement to lay in stillness on the couch. I imagine he was praying for my sister and brother-in-law. He may have been struggling to understand. My heart broke for him and I felt so helpless.

Then it came to me: I could play him the song!

I made my way down the stairs quietly, and without saying a word, began to play

“It matters to Him about you
Your heartaches, your sorrow He shares
Regardless of what you may do
He wants you, He loves you, He cares
Oh yes, it matters to Him about you
Believe it because it is true
Cling to His hand, He’ll understand
For it matters to Him about you”

It wasn’t perfect … I’m sure I struggled with its difficulty. But that didn’t matter. I offered the song with all my love and a simple desire to bring comfort. When I finished, I gave him a kiss (he simply thanked me) and then left him alone. I believed I’d soothed my father in his grief … and it felt good.

At that young age, the Lord was teaching me. I did not end up playing that song on Father’s Day. No doubt, the desire to learn it was good (and now, I understand I was inspired to prepare it). But its purpose was fulfilled differently than I had planned. Its time had come sooner than I had thought. God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His work is perfect.

When I look back now over 40 years later, I understand even more some of the lessons He was teaching me then and continues to teach me today:

  • To understand how God directs and speaks to me (differently with everyone)
  • It is a blessing to be used by the Lord. My father taught us, “God always pays!”
  • Follow through on good desires. It may take effort and sacrifice, but it’s worth it!
  • Be open to things that are not comfortable or “natural.” That’s when He can use us!
  • God’s timing is perfect: He may be refining and preparing us for something that will be fulfilled sooner (or later) than we think.
  • Seek His will and His Spirit, even when our intentions are good: We may believe we have it all figured out, but He may be leading us to something even better!
  • When offering a gift or talent, do our best, but remember what matters most to God is the heart — not perfection in performance but sincerity of heart.
  • And, most importantly, it is all about Him. All honor and glory and praise belong to Him. We are just the instruments He plays to bless others.

A couple thousand years ago, that young lad packed a simple lunch with no idea it would be used later that day to feed five thousand! “God touched the small thing and gave it great worth.”

We don’t know what God has for us in a day, in a year, in a lifetime. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Please pray for me and I’ll pray for you as we together seek to fulfill the plans He has for each of us, and for His Kingdom.

Do you have a testimony that you’d like to share with other Gospel Blog readers? Click here to send it to us.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Suzanne Beeman

    Sis Rosanne

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. It has enhanced my desire to be more aware and dutiful so the the Lord will use me for His will. It also reminds me what I am missing by not reading the Gospel Blog everyday. (Rationalizing I am too busy to read)

    Seeing your name is like getting a hug. Reminding me of the beautiful spirit that makes you glow at campout.

  2. Joann Cotellesse

    Sister Rosanne
    I remember your sisters loss. We had same loss at same time. I needed this reminder today how the Lord is always with us even when we believe he is too busy. God bless you for sharing this experience.


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Further Reading

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