When our oldest son was a year and a half old, we found out we were pregnant. It was an exciting time, as we wanted to have a few children. My husband was in the Marines at the time, so we were stationed down in South Carolina. We weren’t living near any family, so we called our family members to share the good news. Everyone was excited!
That excitement was short-lived. When I went in for my first ultrasound at eight weeks, I had a feeling deep down that something wasn’t right, even before the appointment. It’s funny how God can reveal things to us sometimes, without us realizing at first.
The doctor returned to the exam room I was in with a nurse by his side. They both had expressions on their faces that led me to believe that something wasn’t right. He told me I would be miscarrying. The pregnancy sac was there, but that baby hadn’t formed. I was heartbroken. Physically, I was there by myself that day, but I knew God was with me.
My doctor told me I would need a D&C if I didn’t miscarry on my own. I knew I wanted to avoid the surgery and asked how long I could wait. He told me they would let me go till 12 weeks, but at that point, I would need that procedure done if things didn’t happen naturally.
I called my husband on the way home and bawled my eyes out. I didn’t understand. We both knew we wanted to have more children. We decided to pray about it and leave it in God’s hands.
After sharing this with our families and knowing we had lots of prayers coming our way, I knew I wanted to call and talk to my Uncle Larry and Aunt Vanessa Watson. They are big prayer warriors, and my uncle is a minister in the church.
Since we didn’t live near any branches, not only did my uncle pray with me over the phone, but he sent me an anointed hankie. He knew my heart’s desire was to miscarry on my own. I kept praying so hard about that because I didn’t want to have that procedure done.
When the hankie arrived in the mail, our son was down for his nap, and my husband was at work. I took the hankie and went into our bedroom and laid on the bed. I prayed my heart out and set the hankie on my stomach. I laid there for a little bit and then got up to go about my afternoon.
Shortly after praying, I miscarried on my own.
As sad as it was, I felt so thankful to the Lord for the experience and power in an anointed hankie. That was the first time I had ever needed one, and to this day, I still have that hankie tucked away.
The following month, I became pregnant with our son, Gabe, our rainbow baby. And then, eleven months after he was born, the Lord blessed us with the birth of our daughter. He is so good.
What a blessing it is to have this Gospel, His scriptures, His love, His grace, and His comfort…even in times we don’t understand. He is always there.
“For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” (Isaiah 41:13)
This article has undergone ministry review and approval.
During this time of quarantine I have heard of so many healings through receiving the anointed handkerchief. It is proof of God’s power and faith no matter where we are. That must have been a trying time, Colleen. Thank God for His power.