Thanksgiving for Thanksgiving

by | Nov 26, 2020 | Holidays | 0 comments


Happy Thanksgiving Day!

We at the Gospel Blog pray that you feel Jesus very near to you today as you praise, honor, and thank Him for every good thing you’ve been blessed with. It hasn’t been an easy year for anyone, and some have suffered more than others, but we still have so much to be thankful for. May Christ open your eyes to your blessings today.

We’d like to share with you some poetry inspired by thanksgiving and gratitude. Enjoy!


by Kate Louise Wheeler

Not because Thou givest me
Life from care and sorrow free
Do I thank Thee, Lord, to-day;
But because in life’s dark hour,
Thou hast given peace and power
To sustain me on the way.

Not for gift of wealth or fame.
Do I praise Thy kingly name
Kneeling now with grateful heart;
But for home, for friends, and health,—
Greater gifts than fame or wealth,
Blessings of my life a part.

Not because the earth is bright
With a wealth of joy and light
Do I thank Thee, Lord Divine;
But because in Home above
Life eternal speaks Thy love
And the hope of Heaven is mine.

Thanksgiving for Thanksgiving

by Amos Russel Wells

I thank Thee, Father, once again
For many blessings gladly known,
And many more beyond my ken
That Thou dost see and Thou alone;
But most of all my heart I raise
To praise Thee for the power to praise.

Thy bounty, it is wondrous kind;
But oh, the smiling of Thy face!
My life is all in love designed,
But Thou Thyself art grace of grace,—
Thyself, oh, infinitely more
Than all Thy bounty’s golden store.

That I can feel Thy Fatherhood,
That I can press my hand in Thine,
That I can know that Thou art good,
And all Thy power is love divine,—
This knowledge every bliss outranks;
I thank Thee for the gift of thanks.

Prayer After Eating

by Wendell Berry

I have taken in the light
that quickened eye and leaf.
May my brain be bright with praise
of what I eat, in the brief blaze
of motion and of thought.
May I be worthy of my meat.

Send Us Your Christmas Wish

If you’re the type of person who refuses to think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving, then here you go: For December Miracle Monday, we’re asking you to respond with your answer to this simple question: What’s your Christmas wish (or prayer) for 2021? In light of everything that’s transpired in 2020, what is your dearest hope for the coming year? Email us, and we will feature your response along with those of your brothers and sisters.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

A Holy Donation

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Do you need a new fridge?

Written by Sister Denise DiFalco-Dickson My spouse and I had used all of our finances to buy our first home, a place we needed with a newborn. Everything fell into place and all the doors had opened for us to obtain it, so we were sure that the Lord was in the...

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