A Close Look at the Songs of Zion: Singing on the Mountain
While many of us have a favorite hymn from the beautifully inspired hymns of praise that have touched our hearts and brought tears to our eyes, The Songs of Zion are unique to our Church. They are songs that belong to a new time; they belong to a new era; they belong...
He Planted Me Deep
Have you ever sat in church, singing a song that you’ve sung so many times that you’ve memorized all the words, and realized that you never really read them before? Today, for whatever reason, you actually read the words as you sing and let them sink in. That happened...
The Next Chapter
As I walked through the aisle of Hobby Lobby, the sign, “I trust the next chapter because I know the author,” got my attention. I was struck by these words, and I began to ponder them. What is a next chapter? Perhaps it is a move across state lines, marriage,...
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