You’ve Got 30 Seconds

You’ve Got 30 Seconds

Recently, when crossing the U.S.-Canadian border on a Sunday morning visit to the Windsor Branch in Ontario, I was asked a surprising question.  After waiting in line, I finally was given the green light to proceed to pull my car up to the border patrol...
How God Views the Human Family

How God Views the Human Family

Returning to the scene of the previous blog – Many people who are known to be leading sinful lives have gathered around Jesus to hear His message of salvation. Seeing this, the Pharisees are immediately critical of Jesus, saying, “This man receiveth sinners, and...
What’ll It Be?

What’ll It Be?

Coffee or tea? Beach or city? Carry-out or dine-in?  Choices, choices … all day long we make them. In fact, the average adult makes 35,000 total decisions each day. That includes what we’ll eat, wear, and say. (No wonder we’re tired at the end of the...
Are you in it for the long haul?

Are you in it for the long haul?

IN IT FOR THE LONG HAUL (def): Dedicated to doing something for a long period of time. This phrase usually describes one’s commitment to someone or something. As Jesus speaks to an audience of people who are contemplating whether or not to become His disciples,...