“…Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you, and to be your servants…” 3 Nephi 12:1
Grab Hold Of The Spirit And Let God Take Us All The Way
GRAB HOLD OF THE SPIRIT AND LET GOD TAKE US ALL THE WAY . Making the most of our service to God is not always a matter of constantly pushing ourselves. When we fully embrace the Spirit of God, we have limitless opportunities and power, and the Church is everything...
Current Quorum of Twelve Apostles

Apostle James Crudup
Ordained 10/14/07

Apostle Joel Gehly
General Church President

Apostle Peter Giannetti
Ordained 10/10/21

Apostle John Griffith
Ordained 10/12/03

Apostle Scott Griffith
Second Counselor
Ordained 10/10/21

Apostle Paul Liberto
Ordained 4/17/05

Apostle Thomas Liberto
Ordained 10/15/95

Apostle Leonard Lovalvo
Ordained 4/22/07

Apostle Frank J. Natoli Jr.
Ordained 10/11/15

Apostle Paul A. Palmieri
First Counselor
Ordained 10/11/15

Apostle Peter Scolaro

Apostle Jerry Valenti
Ordained 4/22/18
All Apostles’ Messages
Grab Hold Of The Spirit And Let God Take Us All The Way
GRAB HOLD OF THE SPIRIT AND LET GOD TAKE US ALL THE WAY . Making the most of our service to God is not always a matter of constantly pushing ourselves. When we fully embrace the Spirit of God, we have limitless opportunities and power, and the Church is everything...
Look Up And See Your Savior’s Face
LOOK UP AND SEE YOUR SAVIOR'S FACE Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Church of Jesus Christ is on a journey to build the kingdom of God. Each of us is a party to His plan as it unfolds. On the day of our baptism, we each promised to dedicate ourselves to His gospel and...
Create In Me A Clean Heart
CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART O GOD; AND RENEW A RIGHT SPIRIT WITHIN ME. Psalms 51:10 . This was the cry of David, king of Israel, as he sought forgiveness of the Lord after he wrestled with his sin(s) and realized his spirit wasn’t right. He carried guilt and pain and...
We Believe in The Restoration
WE BELIEVE IN THE RESTORATION Restoration• Bringing into existence again• Bringing back to original condition, appearance, etc.• Giving back something lost or taken away In The Church of Jesus Christ, when we say that we believe in the restoration, we are typically...
Take Good Care of Yourself
Take Good Care of Yourself God has great things in store for us. It is spiritually healthy to let this thought dominate your mind. Reading slowly and thinking carefully about each phrase, contemplate the picture Isaiah described for those who believe in Christ and for...
The Choice is Ours
THE CHOICE IS OURS! The days we live in afford us many abundant choices. Wide varieties of food, clothing, possessions, entertainment, and activities are available to us. God has given us one of the greatest gifts in this life – second only to the gift of salvation...
Why Joseph?
Why Joseph? Joseph! Why do they always talk about Joseph? Who is Joseph? What does Joseph have to do with Jesus Christ? Joseph was the eleventh son of Jacob (Israel), and it is prophesied that his descendants will play an essential role in bringing the whole House of...
Latter Day Journey
Latter Day Journey Reflecting on the messages and encouragement we have shared with the Church over the past several years, the theme of our latter day journey has been reinforced many times. Articles such as It Is Always Good To Know The Way (Dec 2020), and The Ark...
The Ark of Safety
The Ark of Safety Many of the Messages from the Apostles over the recent years have referenced the importance of serving the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth, committing our lives and will to Him, and living more righteously as we engage and prepare for the...
The More Things Change
The More Things Change It’s now been about a year since the world changed dramatically. The past twelve months have been different than anything we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes. Many have been taken by surprise by some of the events that have occurred. But not our...
It is Always Good to Know the Way
It is Always Good to Know the Way Life is a journey, in fact, a series of journeys. On any journey, it’s always good to know the way. As children, we stayed close to home and gradually learned the neighborhood, venturing a little farther from home as our confidence...
The Lord Is Our Companion
The Lord Is Our Companion Over the past few months, our nation and the entire world have been living through a crisis caused by a disease known as the coronavirus. Much has been written and said about this disease – what caused it, how to prevent catching it, how to...
Increase In Righteousness
Increase In Righteousness Brothers, Sisters & Ministry of The Church of Jesus Christ: Throughout the past few years, the Lord has blessed the Church with many experiences and revelations. Some experiences have been encouragement. Some messages have had instruction...
Avoiding Distractions
How do we keep our focus on Christ and avoid distractions? Apostle Message: Avoiding Distractions (PDF)Download
Ebook: Last Dispensation of Time, Collection of Messages
Ebook: Last Dispensation of Time CollectionDownload
Love Without Fear
Apostle Message 36: Love Without Fear (PDF)Download
The End and the Great Beginning
In a continuing series of articles regarding the Last Dispensation of Time, this is the sixth and final article, focusing on the Last Days. Apostle Message 35: The End And The Great Beginning (PDF)Download
The Resurrection, Part 2
What Are the First and Second Resurrections? In a continuing series of articles regarding the Last Dispensation of Time, this is part two focusing on the Resurrection. Apostle Message 34: The Resurrection, Part 2 (PDF)Download
The Resurrection, Part 1
 Is There Life After Death? In a continuing series of articles regarding the Last Dispensation of Time, this two-part issue focuses on the Resurrection. Apostle Message 33: The Resurrection, Part 1 (PDF)Download
Hope for Israel
Apostle Message 31: Hope for Israel (PDF)Download
The Peaceful Reign
Apostle Message 30: The Peaceful Reign (PDF)Download
Gentile Laborers in the Latter Days
Apostle Messages 28, 29: Gentile Church Responsibility (PDF)Download
The Last Dispensation of Time
Apostle Message: The Last Dispensation of Time (PDF)Download
Keeping Our Houses Full
Apostle Message 26: Keeping Our Houses Full (PDF)Download
Delight in the Lord, A Psalm of David
Apostle Message 25: Delight in the Lord, A Psalm of David (PDF)Download
Apostle Message 24: Prepared (PDF)Download
Choose Life, Follow the Spirit
Apostle Message 23: Choose Life, Follow the Spirit (PDF)Download
Looking at Others Through the Eyes of Christ
Apostle Message 22: Looking at Others Through the Eyes of Christ (PDF)Download
Introducing the Church
Apostle Message 21: Introducing the Church (PDF)Download
Moments of Joy
Apostle Message 20: Moments of Joy (PDF)Download
Why Believe in the Book of Mormon
Apostle Message 19: Why Believe in the Book of Mormon (PDF)Download
The Days of Our Years: Keeping Life’s Milestones in Perspective
Apostle Message 18: The Days of Our Years, Keeping Life's Milestones in Perspective (PDF)Download
Taking the Gospel to the Native Peoples of the Americas
Apostle Message 17: NAOC Taking the Gospel to the Native Peoples of the Americas (PDF)Download
Celebration Gifts of Jesus
Apostle Message 16: Celebration Gifts of Jesus (PDF)Download
Matthew 24
Apostle Message 15: Matthew 24 (PDF)Download
Supporting the Biblical Commandment on Marriage
Apostle Message 14: Supporting the Biblical Commandment on Marriage (PDF)Download
Eye Hath Not Seen
Apostle Message 12: Eye Hath Not Seen (PDF)Download
The Joy of Marriage
Apostle Message 13: The Joy of Marriage (PDF)Download
The Righteous Need Not Fear
Apostle Message 11: The Righteous Need Not Fear (PDF)Download
Blessed Is the Nation Whose God Is the Lord
Apostle Message 10: Blessed Is the Nation Whose God Is the Lord (PDF)Download
Our Children
Apostle Message 9: Our Children (PDF)Download
Blessed Are They Which Do Hunger & Thirst After Righteousness
Apostle Message 8: Blessed Are They Which Do Hunger & Thirst After Righteousness (PDF)Download
Behold, To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice
Apostles Message 7: Behold To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice (PDF)Download
And the Foolish Said Unto the Wise, Give Us of Your Oil
Apostles Message 6: And the Foolish Said Unto the Wise, Give Us of Your Oil (PDF)Download
That the Generation to Come Might Know Them
Apostles Messages, Issue 5: That the generation to come might know them (PDF)Download
Peace on Earth
Apostle Message 4: Peace on Earth (PDF)Download
A Seer Shall the Lord My God Raise Up
Apostle Message 3: A Seer Shall the Lord My God Raise Up (PDF)Download
The Divine Commission of The Church of Jesus Christ
Apostle Message 2: The Divine Commission of The Church of Jesus Christ (PDF)Download
Now Is Our Time
Apostle Message 1: Now Is Our Time (PDF)Download
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