Prompted by a Prayer

by | Aug 22, 2016 | Miracles | 1 comment


There’s no Miracle Monday theme for August, so we’re sharing an assortment of experiences that you’ve sent to us. Today’s is from Brother Anthony Scolaro.

About 30 years ago on an early spring weekend, a group of young people from the Great Lakes Area MBA drove up to the Six Nations reservation in Ontario, Canada, about 180 miles away, to visit the mission there. We filled a half-dozen cars, including mine, and left the Detroit area on Saturday morning, planning to stay overnight and return home Sunday after enjoying a time of fellowship and worship.

Early that particular Sunday, moist air blew in and condensed on the cold, parked cars. When it came time to leave, one brother’s car would not start. The dampness in the air had gotten into the engine compartment, wetting the cold engine and short-circuiting the car’s ignition system. With everyone packed up and ready to go, a handful of brothers hovered around the open hood of the errant car, trying this and that, then cranking the engine, to no avail.

After a while, I grew impatient and walked back to sit in my car, which was filled with young people and their luggage. A little frustrated myself, I explained that we weren’t going to leave until we somehow got that car started. Frankly, after seeing how the car was behaving, I had no idea how that was going to happen. Meanwhile, the rest of the brothers went over to the church building, unlocked the back door, and filed inside.

Moments later, I suddenly remembered that I had a can of ignition wire dryer spray — a travel essential for my old car! I dug out the can from the luggage in my trunk and ran to tell the other brothers. Before I could ask myself, “Why didn’t I think of this before?” I walked into the church and saw my brothers rising from their knees.

“Brothers! I have this stuff for the car!” I shouted, holding up the can. After spraying the stalled car’s distributor, spark plugs, and connecting wires, it started on the first try. We all praised the Lord for answering my brothers’ prayer instantly by reminding me of that product in the trunk.

Remember — School Stories for September

Hopefully the Lord will spark a memory in your mind, just as He did Brother Anthony’s in today’s story, of a testimony or experience that happened to you either at school or relating to school. For September, our Miracle Monday theme is “school,” and we’re excited to hear about the ways God has blessed you in the classroom.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


1 Comment

  1. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    Wonderful blog! I was right there with you as I read the experience and feeling your frustration. Truly amazing how God answered their prayers. It touched my heart when when you related going into the Church and seeing the Brothers rise to their feet. Thank you for sharing!


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Further Reading

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