On the Edge of His Seat

by | Mar 8, 2018 | Devotional | 1 comment


My husband is a huge Eagles fan. He was so excited that they even made it to the Super Bowl this year. The Eagles were up against the experienced Patriots, and they had an injured quarterback, so my husband never expected them to actually win.

But as the game clock ticked on, I could see his excitement build and build — they might actually have a chance to win. The last few minutes of the game seemed to drag on, as the outcome wasn’t guaranteed, and he and his friends were literally on the edge of their seats, leaning forward to watch each play. Ecstatic barely explains what he felt when the game ended and the Eagles won.

As I was going to bed that night, it made me wonder if God ever feels that way about us. Ultimately, He knows the decisions we are going to make and the outcomes, but He still gives us the choice.

Does He sit on the edge of His seat waiting to see if we are going to go to church on Sunday mornings? Does He bite His nails when we are at the crossroad of deciding whether to read scripture or the latest fiction novel? Does He pump His fists in the air when we answer the call for baptism? Does He do a happy dance when we give up our Saturday mornings to do something charitable?

I wonder if we’d be more quick to do these things if we knew He was actually sitting on the edge of His seat waiting for us to make the right choice and celebrating our Godly wins when we do.

There’s a saying in the fitness industry, “sweat is fat crying,” and if it were actually true, more people would be more prone to get out and exercise. Regardless of whether or not God is actually doing these actions, I do know that God rejoices when we make the right decisions towards serving Him. So let’s make sure we are making Him do a happy dance in heaven for serving Him to the best of our abilities!

Bio Stefanie

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Stefanie Callens

    Sister Stefanie lives in beautiful Colorado, where winter is not as bad as everyone thinks, with husband Chris, two beautiful daughters, and Jersey the dog.

    View all posts Personal trainer and nutrition coach. Anything active outdoors, board games, reading, crocheting, laughing. Philippians 4:13.

1 Comment

  1. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    Though I can’t speak for God, I know there are many Brothers and Sisters that sit on the edge of their seats waiting for family members and friends to make that commitment. There is probably fist pumps when we hear of the request and much tears of joy. We are very blessed to have a God that loves us so much! And by the way, I was really ecstatic the Eagles won too. 🙂


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