My Family’s Christmas Miracle

by | Dec 26, 2016 | Miracles | 5 comments

We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas Day yesterday celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! Today, we’re bringing you one more Christmas testimony. This miracle was recorded by Sister Enza Pusillo — it’s her mother’s testimony as she remembers it.

February 1970 was a devastating time for our family; we suffered a loss that would rock our world. My mother and father had four daughters. I was No. 2 in the lineup and was 9 years old at the time.

My mother was in the hospital recovering from surgery. My father and oldest sister, who was 11, went to visit to her but never made it there. On the way, they had an accident, and my sister died from a traumatic head injury.

We saw dark days of sorrow and mourning.

As my parents wrestled with the pain and loss, my mother pleaded with God to give her another child, a girl to help ease her pain. This was notwithstanding the doctor advising her against more children after her last pregnancy.

God heard and granted her wish. On December 15, 1970, one month premature, my sister was born. I had a new little sibling, and we were once more a family of four girls.

A year later in early December 1971, just shy of her first birthday, my littlest sister had been running a low-grade fever for a couple of days, and my mother was getting ready to take her to the doctor. Dressing her, the fever spiked, and she had a seizure. Hearing my mother’s cry and scream, my father came in, saw what was happening, and scooped up the baby. They both ran out the front door. Our neighbor was driving past the house, and my father stopped her. He got in with my mother and sister, and they raced to the hospital.

My sister had a fever of 106 degrees, and tests revealed she had spinal meningitis.

Not leaving her side, my mother kept vigil as her fever raged and the doctors tried to fight the infection. They would wrap her in towels that were soaked in ice water to cool her down. On the third day, a nurse came in to tend her and check her temperature. My mother asked if there had been a change, and the nurse said “No” and re-wrapped her.

At that moment, my mother knelt at her cribside and broke her heart once more, pleading with God not to take another one of her children. Getting off her knees, she turned to the nurse, who was still in the room, and said, “Take her temperature.” The nurse replied, “I just took it. There is no change.” My mother was not asking but telling her. She insisted, “Take her temperature.”

Seeing her distress, the nurse did as she was told and was amazed to see her fever had finally broken and had gone down to 103 in a matter of minutes. The Lord heard my mother’s cry!

My sister was still very sick, and they spoke of a lengthy hospital stay, fearing that the prolonged fever might have caused some brain damage. That was not the case. Unexpectedly, on the afternoon of Christmas Eve she was discharged and came home to us. We rejoiced at our Christmas miracle and celebrated as a family.

Do You Have Something to Thank God For?

The purpose of Miracle Monday on the Gospel Blog is to share things that God has done for us in order to praise and thank Him for His goodness. Do you have something to thank God for? We’d love to hear and share it. Click here to send us your story.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Linda Scolaro

    Beautiful testimony, Enza, of God’s power and grace for Rosalie.

  2. Enza Pusllo

    Yes, it was Linda!! I can remember like it was yesterday how happy we were when my parents brought her back home and we were not expecting it. God truly heard my mother’s cry that day!

  3. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    What an amazing experience… Had me just about in tears. Thank God for the answered prayers!

  4. Cláudio

    Fiquei muito feliz ao ler esse relato do milagre de Natal. Com certeza o nosso Pai Celestial responde as orações sinceras de todos os seus filhos. Também tive menigite quando era apenas um bebê.
    Sou membro de A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias no Brasil. Encontrei o site de vocês na Wikipedia, achei muito interessante.

  5. Enza Pusillo

    Claudio, Estou tão feliz que você gostou da história da cura de minha irmã quando ela era um bebê. Servimos um bom, bom pai celestial Espero que você conmitnue para ler adn visitar o nosso site de blog onde compartilhamos e aprendemos da misericórdia e graça de Deus.Deus te abençoê!.


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Further Reading

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