My Christmas Wish for the Coming Year

by | Dec 14, 2020 | Holidays | 0 comments


Today, we’re sharing your response to our December prompt, which was, “What’s your Christmas wish (or prayer) for the New Year?” We hope you enjoy what your fellow readers had to say.

If my prayer for the coming year could be boiled down to a Christmas wish — like the kind my kids ask of Santa — then I think I’d wish for a fear-free heart. I know many people who seem to have the gift of a fear-free heart — not a foolhardy heart, but one that’s genuinely free from anxiety and undue worry. This past year has shown me how much I’m willing to give up in the name of fear, and I don’t want to live like that. – Sister Michelle Watson (Lakeside Branch, Arizona)

My wish is that God would not only heal my grandson, but that He would heal all of my brothers and sisters and their loved ones. – Sister Carla King (Lorain Branch, Ohio)

Just as the angel of God said over 2,000 years ago, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men,” I pray that the PEACE of Christ would rest upon all of God’s creation and that men and women would turn to Him as their Savior. – Brother Frank Natoli (Branch 1, Michigan)

My Prayer for the New Year and even now is Love. The Love of Christ being shown in us the brothers and sisters of His beautiful church being shown to one another and others like never before. For us to be truly one, unified like never before and growing in faith and love all the time. It starts with me. To put aside our differences and focus on Christ! This is our time to shine to the world, and they will come into the light. (Let It Shine, No. 85 The Songs of Zion) – Brother Gary Thompson (Creekside Branch, Michigan)

My Christmas prayer for the upcoming year would be an expansion unity for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ! Spread the love we hold in our hearts for our God and being blessed with many new members taking their first step on faith to the waters of baptism! Along with those who might have lost their way to come back into the fold with a greater desire to serve our Lord! To be excited about the things of God and to hang onto the rod of iron, while building God’s kingdom! Always striving to grow closer to God and enduring until the end! – Sister Heather J. Duran (Fort Worth Branch, Texas)

Share Yours!

What is your Christmas wish-prayer for the coming year? There’s still time to chime in with your brothers and sisters. It doesn’t have to be long — just from the heart. Click here to participate.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

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