Miracle Monday Flashback: Seared With a Hot Iron — Almost

by | Nov 6, 2017 | Miracles | 1 comment


Today’s Miracle Monday is an experience from Brother Josh Gehly that we originally published on August 20, 2012. Hope you enjoy this blast from the past!

I’m a dry cleaner’s guy and not a morning person. One Sunday, due to a bizarre work and church schedule the week prior, my iron was the only tool available to get my pants presentable for church.

My Sunday mornings are usually filled with coordinating rides for different friends and visitors from the community as well as thinking about Sunday school and a sermon.

My mind was a lot of places; the iron wasn’t one of them. With one leg done, I flipped the pants over and reached for the iron without looking. My right hand wrapped around the iron on the hot end. My hand stayed there long enough for my head to turn, see my hand solidly gripping the metal on the iron, and pull away.

Praise God, my hand was fine! I’m telling you, part of my hand should still be on the iron. The iron was piping hot — I was halfway done ironing. It’s not like it was just plugged it in. I’m typing this in awe. I’ve even looked up my iron model online to see if I have some super, burn-proof iron. I don’t.

I’m not sure how Paul felt when a venomous snake bit him on that island on the way to Rome. For me, I finished my pants and enjoyed a wonderful Lord’s Day with the saints. God is so good, all the time. I cannot praise Him enough, but I plan to stick with the dry cleaner’s this week.

Do You Have a ‘Near Miss’ Story?

We’ve all said, “That was close!” or “That could’ve been so much worse!” Did the Lord ever spare you from catastrophe and instead give you just a “close shave”? Tell us about it, and we’ll share it on a future Miracle Monday.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


1 Comment

  1. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    What an amazing experience!! Thank you for reprinting this experience. I may have read it before, but I love to reread it again reemphasizing the amazing power of God.


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Further Reading

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