It’s March – the Easter month – the third of the year. January and February have come and gone, and perhaps so have your resolutions. Did you know that just 8 percent of those who make resolutions keep them? Have you found yourself in that small group?

When I decided to make a resolution this year (to take more photos!), I also decided to choose a word for 2016. This word would be the focus of my 366 days and something that I would try to put into practice in big ways and small. It would stay at the forefront of my mind and be my theme and mantra for the year.

As an often-anxious person, I decided to choose breathe.

It’s a simple word, yet it’s a powerful one, too. It means in the midst of confusion, I need to stop and take a breath. It means when I’m feeling lost, I need to push pause, inhale and exhale.

I like to think that God believed in my word, too. He gave us the “breath of life” after all (Genesis 2:7).

The Lord says when I’m in a storm, He’ll help to calm it. He’ll remind me to take that deep breath and be still.

Sometimes all it takes is a deep breath to bring me back to earth. When thousands of thoughts flood my mind and the overwhelming nature of life takes over, I can watch my chest rise and fall to a simple rhythm. I can take a step back and let Him take over. I can fill my lungs with His goodness and peace and exhale my worries at His feet.

“The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life” (Job 33:4).

If you had to pick one word to focus on in 2016, what would it be? Maybe you choose joy, love, or forgiveness. Leave a comment and let us know!

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Natalie Shawver

    Sister Natalie is a proud Cincinnati girl who is never without a good book, cup of tea or husband Brother Justin, and favorite sidekick son Graham.

    View all posts Writer and word nerd extraordinaire. The smell of fall, fresh figs, tickling the ivories, and her cat. 2 Corinthians 4:17.


  1. Enza Pusillo


  2. Christine M


  3. Sister Michelle W.


  4. Jared


  5. Sister Josie Jasmin



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Further Reading

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