It’s Only a Bracelet

by | May 22, 2017 | Miracles | 2 comments


Today’s travel-themed Miracle Monday is from Sister Lynette Huttenberger.

Recently my husband and I were on a Caribbean cruise enjoying the island of St. Kitts. (I’m a lucky lady because Brother Jim enjoys shopping as much as I do. “Want to go to the mall?”, I ask. He’s in the garage with the car running!)

In one particular store, he was admiring a leather briefcase trying to determine if it could fit all his work items. He decided to wait and think about the purchase. About 30 minutes later, he realized the leather bracelet he bought the day before in Martinique was missing. I said a little prayer for God’s help, and we began retracing our steps. We reentered the leather store, and Jim looked inside the briefcase, and I noticed the bracelet on the shelf behind where the item was displayed. “Thank you God! I’m going to send this little travel testimony to the blog.”

As I continued to ponder on the happy event, my mind considered the thought that God was listening to my quick and simple prayer request. He was listening and noticed me from high above the heavens. Why?

I continued to think about this because a lost $25 bracelet is not a high priority considering all the world’s prayer requests pouring into heaven every second of the day. Why did He care, and why did He answer?

Because He wants an intimate relationship with me. It’s His highest priority for my life. He wants me to ask Him for help, and it pleases Him to answer. Prayer is the way I fellowship with Him, talk with Him, have a relationship with Him. (Definitely a clever way on His part to spend time with us!)

I need His fellowship and His presence, and it’s humbling to think that He wants mine too. So, of course He helped us find the bracelet, just like any good friend would.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)

No Miracle Monday Without You!

We want to say thank you to everyone who takes the time to send their testimonies to us for Miracle Monday! Without you, we wouldn’t be able to share these beautiful stories of how God interacts with us. There’s no theme next month, so now’s the time to send in any and all testimonies that you’ve been waiting to contribute. Click here to share online, or email us.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Joann Cotellesse

    What a wonderful experience and such a great reminder about developing your relationship with our God. Being baptized 44 years I feel that I slack off. I really need to work on our relationship. Thank you Sister Lynette for your experience. God bless you.

  2. Karyn Martorana

    Love this ❤️


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Further Reading

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