It Just So Happened

by | Jun 8, 2020 | Testimonies | 2 comments


Today’s Miracle Monday article is a story of God’s provision submitted by Brother Karl Moelke from Detroit Branch 1 in Michigan.

“God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform!” – Hymn, William Cowper 1773

I lead a fairly uncomplicated life. I live alone. My personal and work life don’t require me to be on a computer at all, so my skills in that area are rather limited. That’s fine with me. I just have an older laptop in my basement and check my emails maybe once a week, primarily for church announcements. I’ve never needed to take advantage of the livestream of Sunday church services offered by my home branch as I, thankfully, have been in a position to attend our meetings in person.

Then March 2020 came along and with it, Covid-19.

No more Sunday morning services at Church. No more MBA or Sunday school. Everyone was told to stay home and stay safe.

I was able to sign up for Livestream viewing and was truly blessed and strengthened the first couple weeks to see the brothers at church and hear the word of God. Then one day, I was on my computer when my arm caught its corner, and the laptop fell on the hard cement basement floor. Immediately, I picked it up to discover that there was no connection. Nothing was working on it. With limited repair options (due to the virus) and my limited skills, I had to resign myself to the fact that I was now without a computer.

My disappointment in missing my church family connection — Livestream and emails — was great. Phone calls with my brothers and sisters kept me informed, but it wasn’t the same as hearing the message delivered on Livestream.

About a week later, among my many calls to the saints, I just happened to call a brother and sister from the branch. In our conversation, I just happened to mention losing the use of my computer, along with many other things.

The next day, to my complete surprise, this same brother and sister showed up in my driveway. They were appropriately geared up with face masks and careful with social distancing. But they insisted they were there to set up an extra laptop they just happened to have at home and weren’t using. I now was able to have my church connection!

That next Sunday, I watched the Livestream service on my new computer, so blessed by my brother and sister’s love and by the Lord’s provision.

God is so good!

But the story doesn’t end there.

God is great!

The next week, out of the blue, it just so happened I got a call from a neighbor a few blocks away who was wondering how I was doing. In the course of our conversation, I just happened to ask how her husband was doing. She said he was fine. They all were fine. Then, she just happened to mention that he was, at that very moment, working on their daughter’s broken computer. She informed me he had done this on the side for a while. I asked if he might take a look at my broken laptop.

Within three days of our conversation, he came to my house, took my laptop, fixed it, returned it, and set it all up for me, at no charge. I was able to return the extra laptop to my brother and sister.

And I was able, again, to enjoy that next Sunday’s Livestream and continue to receive church emails that bless and inform me and keep me connected to my church family!

Some might say, “This was all a coincidence.” Some might say, “How nice it just happened to work out for you,” or “It was a small thing.” But to me, it was a very big thing. And I say God is still on His throne, still performing miracles every day in the lives of His saints. Praise God!

But my God shall supply ALL your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Linda Scolaro

    So beautiful, Brother Karl. God is a God of incidence not coincidence. God bless you.

  2. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    Loved reading your experience! So glad you were able to connect again. It does mean so much to be able to be fed the message from God. He knew your wonderful desire.


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Further Reading

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