In honor of the upcoming GMBA Camp, we’re featuring this camp-related Miracle Monday that originally published on the Gospel Blog on Aug. 30, 2016, written by our own Sister Linda Scolaro.
As I traveled to the 2016 GMBA camp, filled with anticipation for the theme, “The Way,” I spotted a sign for exit 266 on the Pennsylvania turnpike. I immediately thought of the hymn, “God’s Way” in the Saints Hymnal. My mind always relates numbers to hymn numbers. (You piano players out there know what I mean.) I began to ponder what ideas and topics would be discussed during our chapel, seminars, and worship services.
At the end of camp, I traveled back on the PA turnpike, my family in tow. My husband was driving. Shortly after our departure, we encountered a very bad rainstorm. As we traveled between tunnels and mountains, there was a misty fog that made visibility difficult.
It just so happened that my 12-year-old daughter learned about many of the components of Lehi’s dream during her camp seminar, one of them being the mist of darkness. I immediately thought of how this heavy fog reminded me of what is described in Lehi’s experience, where many lost their way on the path.
Then, rain began pouring so hard on our car and windshield that we could barely see. Some cars pulled over, but we kept going. The rain began to dissipate, and after a brief stop at a rest area, we continued our journey once again. However, the rain began to pound once more. This time, I suggested we pull over at the next rest stop, and many others joined us. We checked the weather, and the radar showed the storm traveling in our direction.
As the rain slowed a bit, we got back on the turnpike, still traveling in the direction of the storm. Then, all of a sudden, I spotted the exit sign, 266. After a week of reflecting on the theme, “The Way,” I can surely say that once we passed exit 266, the rain began to slow down, the skies turned blue, and the sun even peeked out. We were ahead of the storm!
The parallel is apparent in my life. When I follow God’s way, he paves a path that leads me safely to my destination. Although my journey may have temptations, as long as I hold on to the rod of iron, I can overcome the heavy mist.
Many times, when I follow God’s way, I am ahead of the storm. He fills my heart with peace and leads me exactly to where I should be, ahead of a storm. The camp theme came to life during our drive. The camp theme scripture was John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
Once we reached mile marker 266, we could navigate safely through the storm and eventually reach our destination. Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. He is our savior, and He leads us to our heavenly father. So, it is pretty simple. If I listen to His voice and follow His way, then it’s truly the best way and the path that ultimately leads to eternal salvation.
Do You Have a Campstimony?
We’d love to hear about what God has done for you as it relates to church camps. Did you first feel the Spirit of God at a camp? Did the Lord work a miracle to get you there? Send your story to us, and we’ll feature it on a future Miracle Monday. (It’s not about praising ourselves; it’s about praising God.)
This article has undergone ministry review and approval.